Monday, November 1, 2010

Olivia-Almost One Year

Olivia Day 1

Olivia 6 Months

Olivia 11 Months

Sunday, August 22, 2010

CRaSH Band does Rock!

Okay, so this goal was LONG overdue. My baby sister, Allyson, is one of the lead vocalists in the band CRaSH (yes the "a" is lower case). Because of any number of issues, Carissa and I have not been able to attend an event in the last 2+ years. Finally our window of opportunity opened with a gig at the Dodge County Fair yesterday. We were so excited to attend and really they rocked! Here are a few thoughts:
1) So I always knew my sister had a big mouth...just kidding....In all seriousness I was pleasantly surprised watching her on stage. Not only did she belt out some impressive vocals, she had a rock star presence on stage. She owned it. I could not be more proud of her, and it was a joy seeing her so happy up there, doing what she loves to do.
2) Great start to the show with Lenny Kravitz's "Are You Gonna Go My Way". I put together a compilation years ago in which that was on it. It rocked, and it was told to me that they put it in the show for me....sweet. Eddie Vedder wouldn't do that for me for sure.
3) CRaSH is a lot of fun.....GO SEE THEM!
4) Matt is sweet on the guitar....what a talent! Crushed "Crazy Train", and dominated "Zombie" by the Cranberries, with a improv solo that would make Eddie Van Halen, Tom Morello, Clapton, Mayer and McCready jeolous. I couldn't believe my eyes when he played some of it behind his head. Was I hallucinating? Truly awesome.

Overall, it was worth the wait. Oh yeah and a goal was completed.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rock N' Roll=Not So Much

Let's start by stating this: So even Superman had to deal with Kryptonite every once in a while, weakening his powers and rendering him useless. Well the Arciszewski Family had its own problems with the 2011 Chicago Rock N Roll Half Marathon. Not to say we are running equivalents of Superman, however August 1, 2011 happened in much the same way as most of the summer, Hot and Humid! Both of us struggled in the very humid weather, and although neither one of us finished where we wanted to, it did not ruin our zeal for running. Yes you will see us at Marathon Weekend 2011 at Walt Disney World!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So this blog is all about firsts for my daughter Olivia. When she was born, really, as like all babies, she really didn't do much outside of eating, sleeping, crying and most importantly pooping. In the last Eight or so months however, it is absolutely incredible to watch how much she has grown. The last two weeks have been amazing, and here are some "FIRSTS" we have seen.

1) Teeth-Yes, these babies came in. Right now they are just two little white stubs on her lower gums, but they are ready to do some serious chomping soon.

2) Crawling-Oh boy this is huge. It used to be enough to just set her down to play for a few minutes and expect her to be in basically the same spot. Now you can't keep your eyes away for a minute and ZOOOOM...she is gone.

3) Finger Foods-So we started with these baby puff things, but it is real cool to watch Olivia learn dexterity by grabbing things with her forefinger and thumb.

4) Clapping-So fun to watch Olivia clap for her daddy when he comes home...just amazing

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Polish Fest-You bet your Dupa I'll be back

ARCISZEWSKI-Yes it is hard to pronounce...I have heard it all my life. Yes there are a lot of letters. Yes because it ends in -ski, therefore it is Polish. Recently, I have been drawn to learn and celebrate more of my Polish heritage (I am really an American mutt....Polish, Irish, Swedish, Belgian and Bohemian). Because of that I made it one of my goals to attend Polish Fest on Milwaukee's Lakefront. It did not disappoint. Not only did the family try a Polish sampler plate such that included a Polish Sausage, potato pancakes, Polish noodles, and of course, Pierogies....yes pierogies! One of the best foods I have ever had were the Pierogies at the Polonez booth absolutely delicious! Overall it was a great experience and I hope to continue to learn more and more about the motherland...Poland. You may see us back there in 2011.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy 1st Mother's Day/Zoo Day

In my humble opinion there is no woman who deserved this past mother's day more than my wife Carissa (sorry Mom, you are awesome too). In the six months that Olivia has been born, she has amazed me with her natural motherly skills. She has showered Olivia with so much love and care, it is actually beyond words. I thought she would be good, probably great at this whole parenting thing, but she has exceeded all expectations and then some. Olivia could not have a better Mother. Mother's Day itself went without a hitch. We headed down to Whitewater to visit Grandma and Grandpa Wells and spent the day eating brats amongst some other grill foods. Overall it was a very nice day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Goal #45, Visit Scott and Heather and Liliana

Well it has been a while since I updated this bad, promise to do better. Over the last year or so, a lot of friends have added new members to their family in the form of a new baby. There is so much excitement to see the little ones and visiting my friends Scott and Heather in Schaumburg was no exception. Scott and I have known each other for 17 years (freshmen year of high school) and seem to become better and better friends over those years, despite living a couple of hours away. So when his daughter Liliana was born just a few months after Olivia, it only looks to strengthen that friendship as our little girls grow up playing with each other. Carissa and I headed down to see the new family in what was our longest road trip since our daughter was born six months ago. We were happy to see that Scott, Heather and Liliana were doing great (with some lack of sleep of course), and we had such a great time visiting the new parents. No trip to visit the Squirrel would be complete without some Taco Bell on the menu. And althought some things change, Scott did not disappoint with his ordering of a Mexican Pizza. A great time for sure!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Marathon #3 The Trailbreaker-Intimidated Yet?

Okay so if anyone were to ask if the old "Husky" Kid would ever have finished one marathon, much less three, I would have called them nuts. Well I guess I'm the one who is crazy. Last weekend I completed the Trailbreaker Marathon in Waukesha, overall my third marathon. This consisted of 20 or so miles on the Glacial Drumlin Trail (paved), along with 6 miles on the Ice Age Trail (dirt, rocks, tree roots etc.) The middle portion consisted of climbing the Lapham Peak Tower. If all those things didn't make this race different, it only had 115 participants. Luckily for me two of those were my good friends Greg and Matt. Having them along for support, as well as good conversation , made the 26.2 miles fly by. Another thing that helped was having Carissa and Olivia cheering me on faithfully every few miles or so. I truly appreciate the support.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Marriage Stats

Well as most of you know that may be following the blog (both of you), you may know that I am a big baseball fan. One of the things that is great about baseball is the incredible amount of stats/numbers that are involved from ERA to batting average to OBP. In light of Carissa and mine 4 year anniversary (3/4) I thought I would break it down by the numbers:
5-Number of cars that we have driven-Equinox, Jetta, Element, Accord, Blazer.
3-Residences that we have lived in-Sussex, Waukesha, New Berlin
1-Houses bought-New Berlin
3-Out of state vacations>than 200 miles away-Rivera Maya, Mexico, San Francisco, Little Rock
6-Combined Marathons/Half Marathons we competed in-Milwaukee, Madison, Little Rock (both of us), Chicago Rock N' Roll, Lake Country Half
1-Child Born-Olivia (she is so beautiful)
5-IPODS owned at one time (yes this is sad)
1-Packer game attended together
6+ Seasons of Survivor watched
2-30 year birthdays celebrated (ouch)

There are a ton more numbers, and hopefully a ton more to come!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Survivor-Our #1 Show

As I mentioned in the previous blog post, there is no other show that entertains our family more than "Survivor". By using the same formula for over twenty seasons, it still manages to stay fresh and fun. How? By constantly introducing new characters every season. You get to see how these people interact and you feel like you know them at the end of the season. Some players in recent past that are memorable include:
1) Coach: Here is one for you. The self proclaimed, "Dragon Slayer", Coach is a kayak record holder, symphony writer, college soccer coach, amongst other things. One of the more interesting soundbites ever, Coach stands for everything honorable, although it may not reflect in his gameplay. He truly lives in an alternate universe.
2) Russell: The best player in Survivor history (according to him). Russell stole the show in Samoa by burning other people's socks, finding 3 immunity idols without a clue, and being one of the most manipulative players in Survivor history. He played Survivor with fervor and passion.
3) James: A grave digger from the south, James is one of the most physical specimens ever to play Survivor. If only his mind would catch up. Pulled off one of the most bonehead moments by NOT playing one of his two immunity idols with only three tribal councils left. He was even quoted as saying, "I must be one of the dumbest players in Survivor history."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Arciszewski "Must See TV"

One ongoing battle couples sometimes face is who is control of the remote. Carissa and I are really no different. She likes "Lost", "Chuck", and a few other shows I wouldn't waste my time on. However, we do agree on a few and here they are (Look for future blog posts on why we feel this way):

1) "Survivor", after 20 seasons, still one of the most entertaining hours on television year in and year out. The tribe has spoken
2) "The Office", That's what she said
3) "Entourage", Victory!
4) "Flight of the Conchords", "I'm the Hiphopapatomus, my rhymes are bottomless"
5) "My Name is Earl", okay, this show has been cancelled recently, but absolutely hilarious during its run.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Like a good neighbor....

....State Farm is there. That of course is the famous slogan for the large insurance company State Farm. However I would be remiss not to mention Mike, my neighbor to the west, who gave me a nice lead in to "Things I have learned about owning a home, Edition 2: Neighbors, especially good ones....Rock." I know I have mentioned that shoveling has somewhat got the best of me. Well out of nowhere, Mike decided to come over and start snowblowing my driveway last week when we were getting pounded with the white stuff. Sure I had some token pulls with the old aluminum shovel, but seriously he did 90% of the driveway. All it cost me was a future beer and some homemade cookies. Turns out, he is also signed up for Grandma's Marathon in Minnesota this upcoming June.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things I've Learned about owning a home-1st Edition "I Hate Driveways"

Okay so I mentioned in a previous post that Carissa and I bought our first home last year. This Tuesday morning snow has helped bring to light a new blog series for me, "Things I've Learned about Owning a home." Today's topic is "I hate driveways". Growing up driveways were awesome. I shot a million basketballs in my driveway at my childhood home in Greenfield. That is also where I learned to ride a bike etc etc. Fast forward to 2010. When we bought our home I thought, oh no big deal that driveway isn't too bad. As a matter of fact, it might be some good exercise over the winter months. Well I was wrong, and mother nature is having a laugh at my expense. Every time I hear snow is coming, I don't think, "Cool I can build a fort!" like the olden days. But no, my first thought is, "Great, more shoveling." So to summarize, "I hate driveways." Look out for the second in this series,"Lawn mowing actually isn't a bad as I once thought." or "I hate shovels"

Monday, January 25, 2010

We'll never forget you Brent!

How does Brett Favre make it to the fabric of the Arciszewski Family. Well it all started in 1992 which means Brett was the Packers QB during much of my formative years as well as a good chunk of mine and Carissa's time together. I saw him as I was going thru high school and all the way through college. When I go my first job, he was there. When Carissa and I exchanged vows we knew the following fall we could count on Brett. Fast forward to 2010. Who would have thought that the most influential sports figure in my life would be playing for the despised Minnesota Vikings inthe NFC Championship. He did not show his true gunslinger self until the final moments of the game. This is when he threw one of his patented ill-advised throws into coverage, crushing the hopes of Vikes fans everywhere. Ah it was great to see and on one Sunday evening Brett helped our family have another evening filled with joy.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Coffee Shop. A Family Outing?

Over the course of our relationship, Carissa and I, when at a loss for things to do, would almost always default to a night at the coffee shop. Although we usually sipped on our own seperate drinks, these nights were always fun, and left us perfectly content. We spent the night knowing that a head in a book is sometimes better than sitting in front of the electronic rectangle called a television.

Fast forward to January 15, 2010. Looking for something to do, Caribou coffee became a place to 'take the family.' Our little pumpkinhead (Olivia) was on her best behavior and we got a full hour of reading under our belts and not to mention a mini-date. My bold coffee enhanced with a espresso Depth Charge was able to help me overcome my sleep deprivation. Not a bad Friday night

Monday, January 11, 2010

Andrew's Goals

101 Goals in 1,001 Days
1. Finish reading the entire Bible (current books read: 1/66)
2. Read 5 books that will help me grow closer to God (3/5)
-"When the game is over, it all goes back into the box"
-"Quiet Strength"
-"Prodigal God"
3. Deliver sermon at Church (4/11/10)
4. Memorize 60 scripture verses
5. Make a list of 101 things I'm thankful for
6. Go to a Men's Conference (No Regrets, 2/6/2010)
7. Buy a children’s Bible and read it to Olivia (one story each night before bed)

Places to Visit
8. PNC Park, Pittsburgh, PA
9. Comerica Park, Detroit, MI
10. Target Field, Minneapolis, MN
11. Milwaukee County Zoo (with Olivia of course!)(Memorial Day 2010)
12. Walt Disney World
13. 3 New Restaurants (3/3 Charro, Stir Crazy, BDs Mongolian Grill )
14. Washington, the state, not the Capitol
15. Any WWII memorial
16. Niagara Falls
17. Any sports league Hall of Fame
18. Tour Lambeau Field
19. Eric and Apryl’s house in Manitowoc.
20. Polish Fest (6/19/2010)
21. Lapham Peak Completed(3/27/2010)
22. Millenium Park in Chicago (8/1/2010)
23. Noah's Ark
24. Matt's house after his WII arrives

Active Life
25. Run 3rd career marathon (3/27/2010)
26. Complete 2nd Race the Lake Bike race
27. Run the MS “WALK”
28. Run a trail race
29. Run Crazy Legs race (Completed 4/28/2010)
30. Hike the Ice Age trail (min 4 hours)
31. Bike from Milwaukee to Madison
32. Learn 5 Yoga moves that will help with running and biking
33. 100 situps without stopping
34. 50 Pushups without stopping
35. Complete Whitnall Park mountain bike course
36. Swim 1/2 Mile
37. Go on 8 camping trips (1/8)
38. Hike in the Rocky Mountains
39. Frisbee Golf 5 times (3/5)
40. Mountain Bike 5 times (1/5)
41. Get weight down to 175
42. Run Fourth Career Marathon (Completed 5/1/2010)
43. Go Kayaking
44. Go Snowboarding

45. Visit Scott and Heather and new baby (Completed 4/28/2010)
46. Visit Scott and Terri Troglen in Granger, IN
47. Host a poker party
48. Carve pumpkins with family
49. Go to Badger game with former college roommate
50. 3 date nights without Olivia
51. Buy Carissa 3 gifts for no reason
52. Take my Mom shopping 3 times
53. Watch 4 sporting events with my Dad (2/4)
54. Hang out with my two nieces 3 times
55. Hang out with my nephews 3 times
56. Contact 3 old friends from high school
57. Take family to Elegant Farmer (8/17/2010)
58. Go biking with my brother
59. Attend a Crash Event (8/21/2010)(my sister's band)
60. Read 500 books to Olivia
61. Sketch a family portrait
62. Host a Survivor Finale party
63. Write a random letter to five friends to let them know how much they mean to me

Just for Fun
64. Brew a batch of my own beer
65. Finish a puzzle
66. Do a brewery tour
67. Learn a Pearl Jam song on my guitar
68. Watch the Wizard of Oz concurrently with Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon"
69. Go Ice Skating
70. Attend a Killers concert
71. Have a beer on the Monona Terrace
72. Borrow the first season of '24' from Greg and watch it
73. Play Ticket to Ride with Carissa

74. Get a legal will
75. Finish furnishing basement
76. Wash and Wax both Element (6/1/2010)
77. Wash and Wax Accord (6/1/2010)
78. Waterproof Deck
79. Help Carissa maintain garden
80. Re-do deck off of master bedroom
81. Hire professional to pave end of driveway
82. Put up hammock in backyard (Completed 5/2/2010)
83. Clean up desk area and take down old computer (1/23/10)
84. Start a blog (Completed 12/27/09)
85. Clean up mail pile and file!
86. Replace downstairs toilet (seat) (4/11/10)
87. Build ramp for our house
88. Have a single family income for our household
89. Replace all the dead light bulbs in the house

90. Go for 1 week without meat
91. Eat 10 vegetarian meals
92. Go without fast food for 2 months consecutively
93. Go one week without any type of cookie
94. Read a book on nutrition
95. Try a new fresh fruit
96. Floss every day for one month (June 2010)
97. Visit a dentist (6/24/10)

Things to Learn
98. Twenty common Spanish Phrases
98. Read 2 Mitch Albom books (2/2, Have a Little Faith, Tuesdays With Morrie)
99. Read 1 biography (PRE: The Story of Steve Prefontaine, America's Greatest Running Legend100. Finish 101 Goal List

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Packers Football Part 1 feels good to be in the playoffs again doesn't it? One of the reasons I consider myself lucky to be from the great state of Wisconsin has to be the Green Bay Packers. Although one could make a case for the Yankees, there is absolutely no better sports franchise in America. I thought I would put a list together of reasons why I love the Packers.
1) Lambeau Field-Also known as the "Frozen Tundra", this is hallowed ground in sports. Legends going back to the early 1900s played on this field. Best venue in sports bar none. My first trip to Lambeau I nearly teared up when I saw the field through my own eyes. The fact that it is nestled among Green Bay neighborhoods makes it a stadium experience like no other.
2) Lombardi-No one name resonates with leadership and coaching as Vince Lombardi. He led the Packers the numerous World Championships as well as victories in SB I and II. Each year the NFL champion hoists the trophy that bears his name.
3) Fans-There is not one other major professional sports team that is owned strictly by the fans. NONE.

More to come tomorrow after a Packers win?

Monday, January 4, 2010


....started pretty much the same way that 2009 did, with lots of college football, food, and of course not one but two types of chili. That is what it is all about, really. Once again the winds of change blew over this tradition as my buddy Jason and I both welcomed new babies in 2009, Olivia and Tyler. Watching football is just a little bit different when you are pausing the game for diaper breaks. Totally worth it though. Some really good games, of which Northwestern/Auburn may have been the most entertaining. The more things change the more they stay the same. I plan on January 1 being quite the same for a long time.