Saturday, February 27, 2010

Survivor-Our #1 Show

As I mentioned in the previous blog post, there is no other show that entertains our family more than "Survivor". By using the same formula for over twenty seasons, it still manages to stay fresh and fun. How? By constantly introducing new characters every season. You get to see how these people interact and you feel like you know them at the end of the season. Some players in recent past that are memorable include:
1) Coach: Here is one for you. The self proclaimed, "Dragon Slayer", Coach is a kayak record holder, symphony writer, college soccer coach, amongst other things. One of the more interesting soundbites ever, Coach stands for everything honorable, although it may not reflect in his gameplay. He truly lives in an alternate universe.
2) Russell: The best player in Survivor history (according to him). Russell stole the show in Samoa by burning other people's socks, finding 3 immunity idols without a clue, and being one of the most manipulative players in Survivor history. He played Survivor with fervor and passion.
3) James: A grave digger from the south, James is one of the most physical specimens ever to play Survivor. If only his mind would catch up. Pulled off one of the most bonehead moments by NOT playing one of his two immunity idols with only three tribal councils left. He was even quoted as saying, "I must be one of the dumbest players in Survivor history."

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