Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Arciszewski "Must See TV"

One ongoing battle couples sometimes face is who is control of the remote. Carissa and I are really no different. She likes "Lost", "Chuck", and a few other shows I wouldn't waste my time on. However, we do agree on a few and here they are (Look for future blog posts on why we feel this way):

1) "Survivor", after 20 seasons, still one of the most entertaining hours on television year in and year out. The tribe has spoken
2) "The Office", That's what she said
3) "Entourage", Victory!
4) "Flight of the Conchords", "I'm the Hiphopapatomus, my rhymes are bottomless"
5) "My Name is Earl", okay, this show has been cancelled recently, but absolutely hilarious during its run.

1 comment:

  1. I still can't get into Survivor, and I've never seen Entourage, but I can agree on the others. Hilarious TV.

    And, Lost, yes, is dramatic, but oh-so entertaining.

    Carissa and I are sisters, sorry, I'm going to have to agree with her.
