Monday, February 15, 2010

Like a good neighbor....

....State Farm is there. That of course is the famous slogan for the large insurance company State Farm. However I would be remiss not to mention Mike, my neighbor to the west, who gave me a nice lead in to "Things I have learned about owning a home, Edition 2: Neighbors, especially good ones....Rock." I know I have mentioned that shoveling has somewhat got the best of me. Well out of nowhere, Mike decided to come over and start snowblowing my driveway last week when we were getting pounded with the white stuff. Sure I had some token pulls with the old aluminum shovel, but seriously he did 90% of the driveway. All it cost me was a future beer and some homemade cookies. Turns out, he is also signed up for Grandma's Marathon in Minnesota this upcoming June.

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