Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things I've Learned about owning a home-1st Edition "I Hate Driveways"

Okay so I mentioned in a previous post that Carissa and I bought our first home last year. This Tuesday morning snow has helped bring to light a new blog series for me, "Things I've Learned about Owning a home." Today's topic is "I hate driveways". Growing up driveways were awesome. I shot a million basketballs in my driveway at my childhood home in Greenfield. That is also where I learned to ride a bike etc etc. Fast forward to 2010. When we bought our home I thought, oh no big deal that driveway isn't too bad. As a matter of fact, it might be some good exercise over the winter months. Well I was wrong, and mother nature is having a laugh at my expense. Every time I hear snow is coming, I don't think, "Cool I can build a fort!" like the olden days. But no, my first thought is, "Great, more shoveling." So to summarize, "I hate driveways." Look out for the second in this series,"Lawn mowing actually isn't a bad as I once thought." or "I hate shovels"


  1. I hear ya... My first 5 winters I didn't have a snow blower. Shoveling's a great time to check out new music on the Ipod!

  2. Yeah, I thought I was going to like shoveling - boy was I wrong!

  3. Reminds me of when I go home on "Vacation" to my parents house and every morning I get the guilt trip to help shovel or something...

    I hate driveways with snow on them. That's why I moved to Arkansas. That and the cold that will make your nose fall off...
