Monday, January 25, 2010

We'll never forget you Brent!

How does Brett Favre make it to the fabric of the Arciszewski Family. Well it all started in 1992 which means Brett was the Packers QB during much of my formative years as well as a good chunk of mine and Carissa's time together. I saw him as I was going thru high school and all the way through college. When I go my first job, he was there. When Carissa and I exchanged vows we knew the following fall we could count on Brett. Fast forward to 2010. Who would have thought that the most influential sports figure in my life would be playing for the despised Minnesota Vikings inthe NFC Championship. He did not show his true gunslinger self until the final moments of the game. This is when he threw one of his patented ill-advised throws into coverage, crushing the hopes of Vikes fans everywhere. Ah it was great to see and on one Sunday evening Brett helped our family have another evening filled with joy.

1 comment:

  1. So do you think he is going to retire... again. I am thinking he will come back, maybe for the Bears - wouldn't that be great!
