Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ringing in the New Year...

....has to be one of the most overrated 'events' in the calendar year. Ironically it is the first. The fortunate thing for our family is that it is an excuse to get together with some awesome friends, some that we see often and some not so much. In years past we would suck down some Strongbows at the House of Guisness in Waukesha ringing in the new year when the clock strikes midnight in Ireland (5:00CST) We then would spend the remainder of the night playing board games and laughing pretty much the entire time. There is a slim chance that some of the guys getting together may make a token appearance at the Irish gig, but with some new babies in the crew, including our beautiful Olivia, hanging out with friends will be the entertainment of choice. We are so excited to watch her grow in 2010

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Very First Blog Post

For anyone interested, and that may be limited to my mother, I have created this blog as a reaction to an awesome year in 2009. It would be nice to have a place to keep these memories intact, and in case I start developing amnesia, I can always revert back to this blog (big thanks to my friend Greg, who made a good case to start a blog). Here is a small summary of what happened in 2009.

-Carissa, my better half, turned 30 in February.
-We both finished the Little Rock Half Marathon on March 15
-I turned 30 in March (on my birthday found out that we were pregnant with our first)
-Finished the Madison Full Marathon in May
-Bought my first home in July
-Finished a 90-mile bike race around Lake Winnebago in August
-Celebrated the birth of my first child-Olivia Grace, on November 21

There is really no way that any other year could top this one, 2009 was one for the ages.

Let's see what 2010 will bring