Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So this blog is all about firsts for my daughter Olivia. When she was born, really, as like all babies, she really didn't do much outside of eating, sleeping, crying and most importantly pooping. In the last Eight or so months however, it is absolutely incredible to watch how much she has grown. The last two weeks have been amazing, and here are some "FIRSTS" we have seen.

1) Teeth-Yes, these babies came in. Right now they are just two little white stubs on her lower gums, but they are ready to do some serious chomping soon.

2) Crawling-Oh boy this is huge. It used to be enough to just set her down to play for a few minutes and expect her to be in basically the same spot. Now you can't keep your eyes away for a minute and ZOOOOM...she is gone.

3) Finger Foods-So we started with these baby puff things, but it is real cool to watch Olivia learn dexterity by grabbing things with her forefinger and thumb.

4) Clapping-So fun to watch Olivia clap for her daddy when he comes home...just amazing