Saturday, April 3, 2010

Marathon #3 The Trailbreaker-Intimidated Yet?

Okay so if anyone were to ask if the old "Husky" Kid would ever have finished one marathon, much less three, I would have called them nuts. Well I guess I'm the one who is crazy. Last weekend I completed the Trailbreaker Marathon in Waukesha, overall my third marathon. This consisted of 20 or so miles on the Glacial Drumlin Trail (paved), along with 6 miles on the Ice Age Trail (dirt, rocks, tree roots etc.) The middle portion consisted of climbing the Lapham Peak Tower. If all those things didn't make this race different, it only had 115 participants. Luckily for me two of those were my good friends Greg and Matt. Having them along for support, as well as good conversation , made the 26.2 miles fly by. Another thing that helped was having Carissa and Olivia cheering me on faithfully every few miles or so. I truly appreciate the support.