Monday, March 5, 2012

What the?!?!?!?!

A new post from the Arciszewski Family? I know, none of you thought it was going to happen, but after a year long hiatus, we’re back.

2012 is going to bring a lot of new things to blog about, and what better way to start, than to just dig in.

Last week was not exactly stellar for our family. We all got sick, there was a trip to Urgent Care, one to the ER, and countless hours of naps, movie watching and trying to sleep while keeping each other awake with coughing, snoring and crying.

On the plus side, we did get a chance to spend a weekend in Schaumburg, visited some friends, welcomed (from afar) the new addition to the Hudy family, and celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary.

We’re hoping to recover from these colds quickly because there’s a lot we want to do, and people we want to see in the next few weeks. Thankfully, we are on the up & up health-wise, so we should all be good to go by the weekend.

Just a couple of things coming up for us include moving Olivia into her Big Girl bedroom and painting & organizing the little boy’s room.

We can’t wait to share pictures & details as things come together!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Olivia-Almost One Year

Olivia Day 1

Olivia 6 Months

Olivia 11 Months

Sunday, August 22, 2010

CRaSH Band does Rock!

Okay, so this goal was LONG overdue. My baby sister, Allyson, is one of the lead vocalists in the band CRaSH (yes the "a" is lower case). Because of any number of issues, Carissa and I have not been able to attend an event in the last 2+ years. Finally our window of opportunity opened with a gig at the Dodge County Fair yesterday. We were so excited to attend and really they rocked! Here are a few thoughts:
1) So I always knew my sister had a big mouth...just kidding....In all seriousness I was pleasantly surprised watching her on stage. Not only did she belt out some impressive vocals, she had a rock star presence on stage. She owned it. I could not be more proud of her, and it was a joy seeing her so happy up there, doing what she loves to do.
2) Great start to the show with Lenny Kravitz's "Are You Gonna Go My Way". I put together a compilation years ago in which that was on it. It rocked, and it was told to me that they put it in the show for me....sweet. Eddie Vedder wouldn't do that for me for sure.
3) CRaSH is a lot of fun.....GO SEE THEM!
4) Matt is sweet on the guitar....what a talent! Crushed "Crazy Train", and dominated "Zombie" by the Cranberries, with a improv solo that would make Eddie Van Halen, Tom Morello, Clapton, Mayer and McCready jeolous. I couldn't believe my eyes when he played some of it behind his head. Was I hallucinating? Truly awesome.

Overall, it was worth the wait. Oh yeah and a goal was completed.